Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

The Puppy Pal class had a great day today!

We finished our caterpillars. We also talked about some of the things we can do together as families. Some of the answers were build stuff, ride bikes, play golf, and walk our cat.

We read the book "10 Black Dots." This book became the inspiration for our dot project. Each child will paint 10 black dots and then color a picture with the dots. We started it today and they had some great ideas! I can't wait to see how the finished product looks!

Just a reminder that Sally Foster is due tomorrow and that our picture day is Friday, October 9th.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

Welcome to my blog! I am very excited that I can now bring you up to date information about what we do each day!

Today we had a very good discussion about how families change. From having a new born sibling to getting bigger, everyone had some great ideas! In our book we are studying this week, "Peter's Chair", Peter is upset that his crib and high chair have been painted pink and given to his sister. He grabs the one thing that hasn't been painted, his little rocking chair, and tries to run away. (to outside of the house of course!) He soon tries to sit in his chair and realizes it is to small for him. He then understands why everything has been going to his sister, he has gotten to big. He then took the chair inside to paint it pink and give it to his sister.

We also talked about how we might not have a sibling to pass down things that have gotten to small. Instead, we can donate these things to children that don't have anything. Each Puppy Pal was so sweet and wanted to go home and find a toy that they don't use anymore, that they could give to another child that has nothing. I was very proud of them!

We also played the "Counting Cookies" game. Each Puppy Pal worked together with a partner to find the cookie that matched their plate with a certain number on it. They all did great and had a blast doing it!