I hope everyone is ready for a great weekend!
We have had some great stuff going on this week! We have finished our unit on squirrels. We concluded with finding acorns, pine cones, and pine cones that have been eaten by squirrels on the playground. We then brought them in and left them out for discovery. Each of the Puppy Pals has had a chance to come touch, look, and smell the discoveries. The picture above is of some that we have collected.
We also have concluded our study on friends. We read some great stories about friends, like "Molly, Simon, Plus Hester."Along with our new special word this week, "a", we have reviewed all 6 of our words. In math, we played the game Child Bingo. They really enjoyed this one. They became the pieces for the game board along with regonzing numbers. We also went on a number scavenger hunt. We had to find numbers 0-9 some where in the classroom. They couldn't believe where they could find number, even on the CD player!!
Next week we will start our transportation unit. If your child has a favorite toy car or truck, they might want to bring it for show and tell! We also will be doing the letter T,t. I also want to encourage you, that anytime your child writes their name, to remind them that the first letter is upper case and the rest are lower case. I will be sending some name cards home soon for you to keep so they have something to look at if needed.
Of course, as always, if you need anything, I am here! I am looking forward to another great week!
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